Saturday, May 18, 2024

Public Safety

Public safety is an important part of any community. It helps to reduce crime, protect people and their property, and provide a safe and secure environment. It also provides economic benefits, such as increased property values, as well as social benefits, such as increased trust and cohesion within a community.

April 2023, Accident by Umatilla and Woodburn, driver failed to stop at stop sign.
Homeowners associations exist to preserve property values, to ensure vibrant communities, and to boost quality of life for everyone.

Public safety is a function of Design, Awareness, Visibility and  Engagement (DAVE.)

This STOP sign is visible AFTER the driver passes it.


The roundabout design is as old as the mouse trap or paper clip.  Simple, intuitive and cost effective.  The designers of the roundabout at the Lacamas Park tried to improve on the roundabout - visually attractive but looks more like a spired web, with confusing signage, 
 the probability of traffic accidents.

Lacamas Lake Roundabout: Building a better mouse trap

Signage is for typical roundabout - but you have to go left 

Lacamas Roundabout Signage Obsttuction 

Vegetation overgrowth on the east side corner at the intersection of Umatilla and NE 15th Street impairs visibility when making a left turn towards Camas High School

The median at the intersection of 39th Street and Evergreen Way in Washougal is an example of poor design that may increase the probability of traffic accidents, particularly at night.

The Windust road sign design is shoddy work.

This No Parking sign points to overflow parking.

  There does not appear to be a reason for 'no parking signage,' in places, there's one ''no parking' that is not explicit, other places the sign is obstructed by street trees, 

One no parking sign in 450 feet, not explicit and obstructed by tree.

there's no signage in overflow parking areas, including tow away signage and so on.

No signage in overflow parking

WAC 308-61-145 specifies signage in private and public places:

(1) Signs must measure at least 15" by 24" and the lettering thereon must be clearly visible to all who park.

(2) Signs for publicly owned or controlled parking facilities need to disclose that unauthorized vehicles will be impounded and must also disclose a phone number for redeeming a vehicle. If a registered tow truck operator is used, the signs must meet the same requirements as in the posting of private nonresidential property

Pine tree in the middle of the roundabout limits visibility: Highway 14 at Les Schwab 


Regular communication between homeowners, governance and law enforcement is the best way to raise awareness about public safety.  For example, did you know teen driving may be lethal?

Teen Driving Is Dangerous 

The Windust Meadows Community is young, roughly five years old.  While youth is innovative and exciting it tends to take unnecessary risks. The statistics support the argument. Teen Driving is dangerous: Teen crash rates per mile driven is four times that of drivers older than 19.
Over 50% of teens have an accident within their first year of driving

It's not just teen drivers

According to Allstate Corp., 61% of teens said they take risks because they are convinced they are good drivers!

And then there's graffiti 

Teen drivers are found at fault in 66% of ALL FATAL collisions that they are involved in, although they only represent 4% of the state's licensed drivers.


The leading cause of death for Americans 15 - 20 years old is motor vehicle collisions

Then there's vandalism, such as graffiti. But perhaps more concerning is federal crimes: Mailboxes are protected by federal law and crimes against mailboxes (and the mail inside) are investigated by Postal Inspectors. Those who are convicted of destruction of federal property could spend up to three years in jail and be fined up to $250,000


Prevention requires awareness and education.  Keep an eye out for design flaws.  Search for relevant data, report designs flaws and so on.

Law enforcement patrol is the best crime prevention strategy - with limited resources, the neighborhood must take over. When Animal Control is visible, even at the peak of the COVID pandemic, but no other law enforcement is visible, it sends the wrong message.

Neighborhood Watch: By maintaining order and enforcing traffic regulations, law enforcement helps create a safer environment for motorists and pedestrians. Effective public safety requires collaboration between law enforcement and the community, as trust and cooperation are essential for creating a safe and secure environment for all.  When Camas police officers regularly attend community meetings, interact with residents, and participate in collaborative problem-solving, this proactive engagement can lead to improved relationships and increased trust between law enforcement and the community


Simon Sinek in his widely viewed TED Talk discusses how leaders can engage others: He illustrates his point using the powered flight race: the Wright Brothers were leaders, innovators, and importantly they had a cause and a purpose beyond themselves and why they beat out Pierpoint Langley in the powered flight race, even though Langley had fame and fortune but a selfish motive.

Parking Regulations

In pursuit of these goals, Windust HOA has developed and enforces a number of rules and restrictions with regard to home decor, repairs and additions, and beyond, including HOA parking rules

Parking rules are important to the overall goal of the HOA, including public safety.

Give prior notice to the homeowner of parking restrictions being violated. This can be through posted signs throughout the development, or by issuing a parking citation at least 96 hours prior to towing the vehicle.

• Provide written authorization for the tow. This step will verify to the towing operator that the person requesting the tow has the proper authority to do so.

• Report the tow through the proper channels – both to the owner and local traffic law enforcement agency. This is normally required to be done within one hour of authorizing the tow.

Then there's illegal signage 

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Public Safety Around Woodburn Elementary School, Camas, WA.

Public Safety - a new approach  WIDAC Target ZERO Public safety is a function of Design, Awareness, Visibility and  Engagement ( DAVE , wher...