Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Announcements contained herein are intended to be faithful to those announced by the Windust Meadows Homeowners Association's board of directors, unless noted otherwise.  Those are intended to be Public Service Announcements.

Board Meeting Scheduled for June 4, 2024 @ 6:00 pm.   

Issues not on the agenda.
A. Branding - adopt mission statement, vote on official (TM) logo, use logo on correspondence, headstones, etc.

B.  Neighborly cooperation- seek out other associations in the community to share best practices, develop civic pride in the community and maintain uniformity - even with gated community.

PSA: Be a Responsible Neighbor 

Don't Litter and if you are a Pet Owner, pick up your pet's poo. Leaving poo bags for someone else to pick up is NOT being responsible.

If you see an orphan poo bag, pay it forward and adopt it.

The pet owner is responsible for picking up poo and/or poo bags in common areas. The Windust Meadows HOA pays to maintain two dog doo stations, but not to pick up trash

15-20 pounds of garbage, mostly dog poop left in doggie bags around Oriole and Woodburn

I collected this garbage during out daily walk around the neighborhood, days after the landscapers mowed the common areas.

Leaving your dog poop in doggie bags is NOT being responsible 

PSA: Planning for Overflow parking during holidays and or family gatherings.

If parking is an issue now, it will get worse during the holidays.  Illegal parking during holidays is seen as a normal occurrence, which leads to some residents assume illegal parking at times other than holidays is OK. It's not for public safety reasons:  in addition to interfering with emergency vehicles, puts children's safety at risk due to limited visibility.

Please plan accordingly.

1.  Park in the overflow parking - which is often not sufficient

2.  Park in Woodburn Elementary or Camas High School's school parking lots - these are government property and unless fenced in, people can park there.

3. Coordinate with your guests.  You could organize a shuttle service to an from your house.

Parking Enforcement Reminders

Dear Windust Meadows owners and residents,

 Due to continued parking issues, owners are reminded of the following rules and enforcement thereof:

• Cars may be parked in your garage, driveway, street, or overflow/guest parking spaces. 

• There are portions of the public streets that are designated as No Parking zones by the City of Camas, and there are only a small number of overflow/guest parking spaces available. 

• Any vehicles, including those of your guests, parked in the “no parking” areas are subject to fines to the owner of the home.  Fines imposed for parking issues will not be up for consideration to be removed.

Please be aware that the "no parking" designated areas in Windust Meadows are per Camas Washington Ordinance 17.19.040 - Infrastructure standards following the recommendations outlined in table 17.19.040-2 Minimum Public Street Standards. This meets the access requirements for recycle service, garbage service, and most importantly emergency vehicles.

If you have any questions, please let Management know: .


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