Saturday, May 18, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions.

1.  How do I get approval to make landscaping or architectural modifications?

Answer:  Fill out a request with details and upload to Town Square.

2. Where do I get copies of the governing documents also known as CC&Rs

Answer: Log in to your Town Square account and go to documents.

3. Dead trees: A tree outside is dead and needs to be replaced. If this is not an HOA responsibility, please advice.

Answer: Street trees (typically located between the sidewalk & street) are part of homeowner property and not Windust Meadows HOA owned space or responsibility.  The City of Camas has strict rules about tree removal and replacement for the median strip (area between sidewalk and road).  The city guidelines must be followed as well as an HOA ARC submission.

City of Camas Tree Removal
Street trees (typically located between the sidewalk & street) will require a permit and may be approved only if the tree is diseased, dangerous, or causing damage. The City does not approve removal for future damage. If your tree is causing damage, please fill out the Street Tree Permit Packet with photos of the damaged sidewalk. If you plan to trim your street trees in the future, please be sure to acquire a General Encroachment Permit.

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