Saturday, May 25, 2024

HOA Resources

The Neighborhood Outreach program does not keep records on Home Owners Associations and cannot offer advice or legal assistance regarding HOAs or CC&Rs. If you need a copy of your CC&Rs, contact your HOA board or property management company, or you can contact the County Auditor's Recording division at 564.397.2208 or email your request to

For more information on your property, you can also go to Clark County's website: Property Information Center and type in your address. After you've typed in your address, click on the "Search" button. A new page will pop up titled "Clark County Property Information Account Summary" with information on your property. Your neighborhood will be listed under "Administrative Data" on the left hand side of the page. You can view a map of Clark County with all of the neighborhood boundaries here

Clark County District Court

Traffic Infractions

RCW 64.38.20 Prescribes the powers delegated to the HOA 

 RCW 46.61.570 Prescribes Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited in specified places—Reserving portion of highway prohibited.

WAC 132N-156  Rules deals with Parking and traffic rules and regulations and mentions the security and safety department personnel and specifically states Registered owner responsibility for illegal parking.

Every person in whose name a vehicle is registered (licensed) shall be responsible for any parking of said vehicle and for all offenses, other than moving violations, under these regulations. It shall be no defense that said vehicle was illegally parked or used by another, unless it is clearly established that at such time said vehicle was being used without the consent of the registered owner

• Promote vitality in the business areas through timed parking enforcement

• Respond to neighborhood issues 
Parking Enforcement

Homeowners Protection Bureau, LLC (HOPB), is a private organization specifically designed to help educate and support owners of properties governed by condominium, cooperative, and homeowners’ associations (HOAs)

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Report Parking Violations

The City of Camas assumes jurisdiction for parking enforcement within the city through Parking Enforcement Officers to;

Promote vitality in the business areas through timed parking enforcement

Respond to neighborhood issues forwarded through the CamasConnect app

Respond to complaints received from the police department's non-emergency number, 360-834-4151

The city also has a mechanism in place via a Service Request using it's CamasConnect app

Monday, May 20, 2024


Windust Meadows is a secluded community, surrounded by the Lacamas Lake, neighborhood trails to Round Lake, Woodburn Elementary and Camas High Schools,  located in the City of Camas. Camas is a small city nestled in Washington's Clark County ia among Money's 2024 rankings of the 50 Best Places to Live in the U.S.

This site is for informational purposes owned and published by Joseph Lewis Aguirre - Contact:

Opinions expressed herein are strictly personal 

Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Announcements contained herein are intended to be faithful to those announced by the Windust Meadows Homeowners Association's board of directors, unless noted otherwise.  Those are intended to be Public Service Announcements.

Board Meeting Scheduled for June 4, 2024 @ 6:00 pm.   

Issues not on the agenda.
A. Branding - adopt mission statement, vote on official (TM) logo, use logo on correspondence, headstones, etc.

B.  Neighborly cooperation- seek out other associations in the community to share best practices, develop civic pride in the community and maintain uniformity - even with gated community.

PSA: Be a Responsible Neighbor 

Don't Litter and if you are a Pet Owner, pick up your pet's poo. Leaving poo bags for someone else to pick up is NOT being responsible.

If you see an orphan poo bag, pay it forward and adopt it.

The pet owner is responsible for picking up poo and/or poo bags in common areas. The Windust Meadows HOA pays to maintain two dog doo stations, but not to pick up trash

15-20 pounds of garbage, mostly dog poop left in doggie bags around Oriole and Woodburn

I collected this garbage during out daily walk around the neighborhood, days after the landscapers mowed the common areas.

Leaving your dog poop in doggie bags is NOT being responsible 

PSA: Planning for Overflow parking during holidays and or family gatherings.

If parking is an issue now, it will get worse during the holidays.  Illegal parking during holidays is seen as a normal occurrence, which leads to some residents assume illegal parking at times other than holidays is OK. It's not for public safety reasons:  in addition to interfering with emergency vehicles, puts children's safety at risk due to limited visibility.

Please plan accordingly.

1.  Park in the overflow parking - which is often not sufficient

2.  Park in Woodburn Elementary or Camas High School's school parking lots - these are government property and unless fenced in, people can park there.

3. Coordinate with your guests.  You could organize a shuttle service to an from your house.

Parking Enforcement Reminders

Dear Windust Meadows owners and residents,

 Due to continued parking issues, owners are reminded of the following rules and enforcement thereof:

• Cars may be parked in your garage, driveway, street, or overflow/guest parking spaces. 

• There are portions of the public streets that are designated as No Parking zones by the City of Camas, and there are only a small number of overflow/guest parking spaces available. 

• Any vehicles, including those of your guests, parked in the “no parking” areas are subject to fines to the owner of the home.  Fines imposed for parking issues will not be up for consideration to be removed.

Please be aware that the "no parking" designated areas in Windust Meadows are per Camas Washington Ordinance 17.19.040 - Infrastructure standards following the recommendations outlined in table 17.19.040-2 Minimum Public Street Standards. This meets the access requirements for recycle service, garbage service, and most importantly emergency vehicles.

If you have any questions, please let Management know: .


Board of Directors Meeting Reports


Emergency Contacts

Fire and EMS Contact Information

Dial 911 for
all emergencies

Stations 41, 42 & 43

Fire Marshal's Office

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
excluding holidays

Station 41
616 NE 4th Avenue
Camas, WA 98607

Station 42
4321 NW Parker Street
Camas, WA 98607

Station 43
1400 A Street
Washougal, WA 9867

Public Safety

Public safety is an important part of any community. It helps to reduce crime, protect people and their property, and provide a safe and secure environment. It also provides economic benefits, such as increased property values, as well as social benefits, such as increased trust and cohesion within a community.

April 2023, Accident by Umatilla and Woodburn, driver failed to stop at stop sign.
Homeowners associations exist to preserve property values, to ensure vibrant communities, and to boost quality of life for everyone.

Public safety is a function of Design, Awareness, Visibility and  Engagement (DAVE.)

This STOP sign is visible AFTER the driver passes it.


The roundabout design is as old as the mouse trap or paper clip.  Simple, intuitive and cost effective.  The designers of the roundabout at the Lacamas Park tried to improve on the roundabout - visually attractive but looks more like a spired web, with confusing signage, 
 the probability of traffic accidents.

Lacamas Lake Roundabout: Building a better mouse trap

Signage is for typical roundabout - but you have to go left 

Lacamas Roundabout Signage Obsttuction 

Vegetation overgrowth on the east side corner at the intersection of Umatilla and NE 15th Street impairs visibility when making a left turn towards Camas High School

The median at the intersection of 39th Street and Evergreen Way in Washougal is an example of poor design that may increase the probability of traffic accidents, particularly at night.

The Windust road sign design is shoddy work.

This No Parking sign points to overflow parking.

  There does not appear to be a reason for 'no parking signage,' in places, there's one ''no parking' that is not explicit, other places the sign is obstructed by street trees, 

One no parking sign in 450 feet, not explicit and obstructed by tree.

there's no signage in overflow parking areas, including tow away signage and so on.

No signage in overflow parking

WAC 308-61-145 specifies signage in private and public places:

(1) Signs must measure at least 15" by 24" and the lettering thereon must be clearly visible to all who park.

(2) Signs for publicly owned or controlled parking facilities need to disclose that unauthorized vehicles will be impounded and must also disclose a phone number for redeeming a vehicle. If a registered tow truck operator is used, the signs must meet the same requirements as in the posting of private nonresidential property

Pine tree in the middle of the roundabout limits visibility: Highway 14 at Les Schwab 


Regular communication between homeowners, governance and law enforcement is the best way to raise awareness about public safety.  For example, did you know teen driving may be lethal?

Teen Driving Is Dangerous 

The Windust Meadows Community is young, roughly five years old.  While youth is innovative and exciting it tends to take unnecessary risks. The statistics support the argument. Teen Driving is dangerous: Teen crash rates per mile driven is four times that of drivers older than 19.
Over 50% of teens have an accident within their first year of driving

It's not just teen drivers

According to Allstate Corp., 61% of teens said they take risks because they are convinced they are good drivers!

And then there's graffiti 

Teen drivers are found at fault in 66% of ALL FATAL collisions that they are involved in, although they only represent 4% of the state's licensed drivers.


The leading cause of death for Americans 15 - 20 years old is motor vehicle collisions

Then there's vandalism, such as graffiti. But perhaps more concerning is federal crimes: Mailboxes are protected by federal law and crimes against mailboxes (and the mail inside) are investigated by Postal Inspectors. Those who are convicted of destruction of federal property could spend up to three years in jail and be fined up to $250,000


Prevention requires awareness and education.  Keep an eye out for design flaws.  Search for relevant data, report designs flaws and so on.

Law enforcement patrol is the best crime prevention strategy - with limited resources, the neighborhood must take over. When Animal Control is visible, even at the peak of the COVID pandemic, but no other law enforcement is visible, it sends the wrong message.

Neighborhood Watch: By maintaining order and enforcing traffic regulations, law enforcement helps create a safer environment for motorists and pedestrians. Effective public safety requires collaboration between law enforcement and the community, as trust and cooperation are essential for creating a safe and secure environment for all.  When Camas police officers regularly attend community meetings, interact with residents, and participate in collaborative problem-solving, this proactive engagement can lead to improved relationships and increased trust between law enforcement and the community


Simon Sinek in his widely viewed TED Talk discusses how leaders can engage others: He illustrates his point using the powered flight race: the Wright Brothers were leaders, innovators, and importantly they had a cause and a purpose beyond themselves and why they beat out Pierpoint Langley in the powered flight race, even though Langley had fame and fortune but a selfish motive.

Parking Regulations

In pursuit of these goals, Windust HOA has developed and enforces a number of rules and restrictions with regard to home decor, repairs and additions, and beyond, including HOA parking rules

Parking rules are important to the overall goal of the HOA, including public safety.

Give prior notice to the homeowner of parking restrictions being violated. This can be through posted signs throughout the development, or by issuing a parking citation at least 96 hours prior to towing the vehicle.

• Provide written authorization for the tow. This step will verify to the towing operator that the person requesting the tow has the proper authority to do so.

• Report the tow through the proper channels – both to the owner and local traffic law enforcement agency. This is normally required to be done within one hour of authorizing the tow.

Then there's illegal signage 

Home Owners Associations

The Wealth of Homeowners Association aka property values, is analogous to the Wealth of Nations.  Branding is a simplistic way of viewing it: Compare the cost of a Starbucks cup of coffee,  to a cup of generic one, for instance. Refer to Power Point presentation

The better the HOA branding, the higher the property values: NeighborhoodScout's® Exclusive Home Appreciation both the cumulative appreciation rate, and the average annual appreciation rate for each time period (e.g., last 5-years: 84% total appreciation, Avg. per year: 16.8%). In a gated community, the homeowners and the local governance have total control. Non-gated communities require cooperation with adjacent HOAs and or homeowners

Key elements of HOA branding are:
Public safety, Repair, Replace and Maintain (RR&M) common areas, standardized architectural policy and trust in local governance.

Homeowners' associations in Washington are governed by the WUCIOA. This act applies to all common interest communities, including planned developments and condominiums. It was enacted in 2018 and outlines the regulations for the development, operations, and management of such organizations

A homeowners' association (HOA) is an entity created to form, maintain, and enforce certain reasonable rules and regulations in common interest communities to maintain the value of the properties in the neighborhood, community, or apartment complex.

They might restrict the colors homeowners may use on external walls to maintain the aesthetic appearance of the neighborhood or limit the types of fencing that may be installed to ensure uniformity throughout all units.

HOAs also enforce certain architectural guidelines and landscaping rules to maintain property values and are responsible for maintaining shared spaces, such as clubhouses, swimming pools, parks, and more

Windust HOA Governance

The Windust Meadows Board of Directors is composed of volunteers assisted by Blue Mountain Community Management, completes the Wealth of Homeowners Association Triple constraint.

As a newly developed community, the Homeowners Association and the Board of Directors are going through growing pains, including high turnover.

Homeowners support and involvement is crucial for the development of the Triple Constraint.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions.

1.  How do I get approval to make landscaping or architectural modifications?

Answer:  Fill out a request with details and upload to Town Square.

2. Where do I get copies of the governing documents also known as CC&Rs

Answer: Log in to your Town Square account and go to documents.

3. Dead trees: A tree outside is dead and needs to be replaced. If this is not an HOA responsibility, please advice.

Answer: Street trees (typically located between the sidewalk & street) are part of homeowner property and not Windust Meadows HOA owned space or responsibility.  The City of Camas has strict rules about tree removal and replacement for the median strip (area between sidewalk and road).  The city guidelines must be followed as well as an HOA ARC submission.

City of Camas Tree Removal
Street trees (typically located between the sidewalk & street) will require a permit and may be approved only if the tree is diseased, dangerous, or causing damage. The City does not approve removal for future damage. If your tree is causing damage, please fill out the Street Tree Permit Packet with photos of the damaged sidewalk. If you plan to trim your street trees in the future, please be sure to acquire a General Encroachment Permit.

Public Safety Around Woodburn Elementary School, Camas, WA.

Public Safety - a new approach  WIDAC Target ZERO Public safety is a function of Design, Awareness, Visibility and  Engagement ( DAVE , wher...